Friday, September 21, 2012

Studio Tour Time! (Picture Heavy)

Greetings! Now that the beasts and I are getting settled in, it's time to show all of you where the beasts come from: the studio! It's partially underground, so I refer to it as "the lair". I think it works though, some creature is usually asleep inside.

Some piles of fabric for tomorrow's sewing escapades. There's fabric for demons, and the other stuff I dyed with tea earlier this week. My sketchbook is next to them, usually I carry it around the house with me for drawing silly things I think of. Do any of you do that?

This is my pincushion Max. One day I might give him some back legs... maybe.

Skunk skull, miscellaneous bones, and new tags for the beasties.

In the corner of the room, there's two huge chests on their ends. Beelzebub likes to perch up there like a gargoyle and watch me work. Every once in a while he gets up and comes over to ask for a treat or to get a good belly rub.

Hagatha decided she was going to let you all in on the ritual she uses to bring the beasts to life. Usually when she pulls spirits out of the ether, she doesn't let anyone watch. So I was quick to grab my camera and sit back to watch the magic.

This is my favorite of the photos- our newest beast, Grim Jones is in the middle, wavering in and out of reality. Awesome, right?


I'll try to get some better pictures if she lets me watch again :)
Have a great weekend!
The Beast Peddler

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Well hello!

So, we've been away for some time. We've moved!!
That's right, we left the ocean and have settled in the mountains. It's been pretty exciting to live somewhere else. There's lots of farms where we moved to, so we eat loads of locally-grown produce and honey. Anyway, I've pretty much gotten settled in at this point, so shop updates and blog posts will be done on a regular basis now.
Hallow-Birthday-Ween is coming, and I'm going to do some giveaways! I'm giving away little party packs, which will include raffle tickets, party hats and some other goodies c: The giveaway is happening the first day of Hallow-Birthday-Ween, October 1st. I'm also thinking about doing one on Instagram, and one on the Facebook page. Stay tuned for details on those!
Anyway, here's some pictures from the new place! My camera's still packed up, so here's a bunch of Instagrams from my phone:

A few new guys in progress on my desk, with a potion that Hagatha mixed for me :D

Here's the view from our new street! There's a massive rock on the side of that mountain called "the Devil's Football," that the Prince and I hiked up to the other day.

Here's my new sewing desk, complete with my Ouija board, and (some) of my antler collection.

Sewing away.

I'm taking photos tomorrow for a little studio tour, and Hagatha is generously allowing me to take some photos of the ritual she does to bring the beasts to life! That should be up tomorrow night. After the studio tour, Halloween-themed beasts will be going up in the shop. I couldn't contain myself any longer, I just had to sew some spooky things. Also, stickers are available in the Etsy store tonight!

Time to watch some movies with the Prince and the beasts. Have a great night!

the Beast Peddler