Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hi there! Here are some things we've been doing here at the enchanted cottage:

Here's a little specimen in a jar! Not really a fully formed beast yet. It's like a larval form! I think I'll be bringing some of these with me when we all go to the Providence Art Festival!!

This here is Crowley, a little crow person who we're taking care of. As a rite of passage, young crow people leave the colony for a time to live out in the world. Granted, he's not that far away from the crow village. We like having him with us all the same.

Crowley really likes sitting out in the sun when it's warm outside. When it rains, he likes to sit on the peak of the roof and just caw his brains out.

Are you going to be near Providence, Rhode Island on June 2nd? Because we'll be at the Providence Art Festival!! Swing by and say hi to the beasts!
The Beast Peddler