At least three new beasts showing up in the store this week, here's the only purple one:

Alfredo the Foxhunter used to hunt possums, because there were a huge number of them living around the enchanted cottage ( plus they were always trying to steal the Beast Peddler's apple preserves) . He would sneak up behind them, dressed as a possum, and then pounce! Then, when he had collected enough pelts, he would pull his little cart into town and sell them for thirty cents apiece. When the economy crashed though, the villagers would only part with their hard-earned pence for the more exotic furs. Alfredo was in a spot of bother! He set out to find the most beautiful, softest pelt imaginable. He searched far and wide, but he was never quite satisfied with regular Earth mammals.
One day, he stole one of Hagatha's magic tomes and read aloud from it, hidden in a closet underneath the stairs. He found himself transported to the moon! There, the craters of the moon were brimming with purple foxes! Alfredo was elated- he had finally found the perfect pelt! The foxes had wonderfully soft lavender fur- and their mohawks were spectacular. He was worried, though. The creatures had done nothing wrong- he didn't want to hunt the moonfoxes if they were just innocent little creatures. He reached into his pocket for his Blackberry, so he could call the Beast Peddler and ask for her advice. But when his furry hand went into his pocket-
Those good-for-nothing moonfoxes! Already Alfredo could hear them just over the next crater, making long-distance calls to Saturn. They had already gone too far. Alfredo's eyes narrowed. He knew what had to be done.
Also, here's Alfredo with his as-yet-unnamed friend, who, yes indeed, has a (working!) lightbulb coming out of her head:

Stay tuned for more friends, and thanks for visiting!
love & voodoo (& thieving moonfoxes),
the Beast Peddler
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