Hello friends!
Today, I decided to offer a few custom beasts in the Beast Peddler Shop-
Basically, start with a basic, potato-shaped beast, and add things to your heart's content!
Here's a list of things I've added on in the past, to get you started...
* coyote teeth
* a pig-like snout
* springbok horns
* goat horns
* sparrow wings
* light bulbs
* blacklight bulbs
* clothes (all sorts!)
* driftwood horns
* mask
* jingle-bell collar (so you don't lose 'em!)
* dinosaur tail
* antlers
* multiple eyes
* extra limbs
* tattoos
* mushrooms
* acorn hats
* ears
* a long, trumpet-like proboscis
* real hair
That's all I can think of for now, but I'll be adding to the list, and if you want something you don't see, just send me a conversation on Etsy- I'm sure I can find what you're looking for.
love & voodoo,
the Beast Peddler
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Hello dearies!
This is a big post, so get situated :D
The Beast Peddler here, with a late update. Remember we had been seeing a big monster prowling around the place? Well, we finally got some pictures of it, and I completely forgot to post them:

The Tale of the Ryrivig:
In the normally-pleasant woods that surround the enchanted cottage home of the Beast Peddler and her furred friends, unnatural howls and shrieks were heard at night. While the Beast Peddler tried to keep the young beasts calm, Hagatha squinted out into the darkness through a bone hoop, trying to see what was making the noise. She kept watch for hours, searching the night for any sign of the monster, but to no avail. The inhabitants of the cottage settled down to an uneasy night's sleep.
The next day, everyone was tired and on edge. None of the beasts would play outside, and all kept weary eyes on the windows. Hagatha wouldn't leave her room, poring over books and scrolls and communing with spirits to try and learn the creature's identity.
As the sunlight started to wane, Hagatha burst forth from her room, holding in her hands the ghost of a raven. The beasts all gathered around the hearth as he spoke-
"Those cries you hear at night are those of the Ryrivig- one of the Horrors of the Night. The Ryrivig howls and screams into the night to draw the foolishly brave out of their homes and into the night, where it devours them. There are many of the Horrors- before now, they used to lie in wait in the dark spaces of caves, the hollow knots of trees, and under the ground in the middle of mushroom rings. The sheer amount of magic that surrounds the cottage has drawn them out of the ground and out of their dark slumber. And now they're coming to find what has woken them..."
Also, meet the plumpest beast yet, Plumpus St.Baudelaire:

The Tale of Plumpus:
Plumpus St.Baudelaire is always going on about something. One minute he's trying to convince you of the health benefits of yerba mate, the next he's listing off all the reasons why one episode of Ghost Hunters is better than another. At breakfast he'll be listing everything he's going to do that day, and at lunch he'll be reciting "Oh Captain, My Captain." He especially loves sitting on the bottom shelf of the bookcase, where he can be particularly oratory and it takes everyone a while to find him.
Plumpus' constant narration would normally be extremely irritating, as one would imagine, if it wasn't for his splendid baritone. Much like Morgan Freeman or Mike Roe, he could talk about anything and you would be completely entranced. The other beasts will sometimes gather around just to hear him recite his shopping list, or the daily count of how many sparrows there were in the bird bath.
Once you get him home, he'll be pretty shy. That is, until you ask him what he wants for dinner...
Also, it may be of interest that in the past month we here at the enchanted cottage have only been playing one song, and it is The Afterlife by YACHT
love & voodoo,
the Beast Peddler
This is a big post, so get situated :D
The Beast Peddler here, with a late update. Remember we had been seeing a big monster prowling around the place? Well, we finally got some pictures of it, and I completely forgot to post them:

The Tale of the Ryrivig:
In the normally-pleasant woods that surround the enchanted cottage home of the Beast Peddler and her furred friends, unnatural howls and shrieks were heard at night. While the Beast Peddler tried to keep the young beasts calm, Hagatha squinted out into the darkness through a bone hoop, trying to see what was making the noise. She kept watch for hours, searching the night for any sign of the monster, but to no avail. The inhabitants of the cottage settled down to an uneasy night's sleep.
The next day, everyone was tired and on edge. None of the beasts would play outside, and all kept weary eyes on the windows. Hagatha wouldn't leave her room, poring over books and scrolls and communing with spirits to try and learn the creature's identity.
As the sunlight started to wane, Hagatha burst forth from her room, holding in her hands the ghost of a raven. The beasts all gathered around the hearth as he spoke-
"Those cries you hear at night are those of the Ryrivig- one of the Horrors of the Night. The Ryrivig howls and screams into the night to draw the foolishly brave out of their homes and into the night, where it devours them. There are many of the Horrors- before now, they used to lie in wait in the dark spaces of caves, the hollow knots of trees, and under the ground in the middle of mushroom rings. The sheer amount of magic that surrounds the cottage has drawn them out of the ground and out of their dark slumber. And now they're coming to find what has woken them..."
Also, meet the plumpest beast yet, Plumpus St.Baudelaire:

The Tale of Plumpus:
Plumpus St.Baudelaire is always going on about something. One minute he's trying to convince you of the health benefits of yerba mate, the next he's listing off all the reasons why one episode of Ghost Hunters is better than another. At breakfast he'll be listing everything he's going to do that day, and at lunch he'll be reciting "Oh Captain, My Captain." He especially loves sitting on the bottom shelf of the bookcase, where he can be particularly oratory and it takes everyone a while to find him.
Plumpus' constant narration would normally be extremely irritating, as one would imagine, if it wasn't for his splendid baritone. Much like Morgan Freeman or Mike Roe, he could talk about anything and you would be completely entranced. The other beasts will sometimes gather around just to hear him recite his shopping list, or the daily count of how many sparrows there were in the bird bath.
Once you get him home, he'll be pretty shy. That is, until you ask him what he wants for dinner...
Also, it may be of interest that in the past month we here at the enchanted cottage have only been playing one song, and it is The Afterlife by YACHT
love & voodoo,
the Beast Peddler
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Hi there-
Two days ago I posted about Alfredo's new friend, who lights up!
Introducing Lulu Lamplight!

And when she's lit up-

The tale:
A few moons ago, Ozymandias, his sister Ophelia and also Henrietta and Bootstraps were exploring in the woods nearby the enchanted cottage. They went unsupervised, as the Beast Peddler was busy sewing and Hagatha was occupied trying to make a big enough batch of hedgehog stew to feed the whole cottage. Brave Ozymandias was leading the procession through the woods, and Ophelia was second-in-command, plotting their course on an old map that Lars had drawn them before he went away.
As they were rounding a bend in the main trail, Ophelia noticed an overgrown trail leading into deeper woods. She mentioned it to Ozymandias, and they took the expedition into uncharted territory. Winding their way along the narrow goat path, they eventually came to a cave, completely covered in moss. Clusters of quartz crystals jutted out from the rock, and a cool, sweet breeze issued from the deep insides of the cave, along with soft whispers and faint singing. The beasts were all eager to go right in, but as they poked their heads in, they couldn't see anything at all. It was oppressively dark.
Dismayed, the beasts made their way back to the cottage, having marked the path on the map for later excursions.
That night, Ophelia couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned, thinking of the cave. They had all wanted to go in so badly, but it was too dark. She would have loved to see what was inside the deep cave. She hopped out of the fireplace where she slept and crept to the Beast Peddler's room, where the candle was still burning. The Beast Peddler was just finishing up sewing a little white beast, her curved needle flashing in the dying light. She looked up at Ophelia as she tiptoed into the room, and asked her what was keeping her up into the witching hours.
Ophelia explained what had happened that day, told her about the cave and the whispers and singing and how they had wanted to explore so badly but couldn't. The Beast Peddler smiled and patted Ophelia on the head and told her to sleep, and she would take care of everything.
The next day, Ophelia was woken up by Lulu, armed with a great big light bulb on her head, asking if the gang was ready to head out.
That's all for now, off to go sew some more friends
love & voodoo,
the Beast Peddler
Two days ago I posted about Alfredo's new friend, who lights up!
Introducing Lulu Lamplight!

And when she's lit up-

The tale:
A few moons ago, Ozymandias, his sister Ophelia and also Henrietta and Bootstraps were exploring in the woods nearby the enchanted cottage. They went unsupervised, as the Beast Peddler was busy sewing and Hagatha was occupied trying to make a big enough batch of hedgehog stew to feed the whole cottage. Brave Ozymandias was leading the procession through the woods, and Ophelia was second-in-command, plotting their course on an old map that Lars had drawn them before he went away.
As they were rounding a bend in the main trail, Ophelia noticed an overgrown trail leading into deeper woods. She mentioned it to Ozymandias, and they took the expedition into uncharted territory. Winding their way along the narrow goat path, they eventually came to a cave, completely covered in moss. Clusters of quartz crystals jutted out from the rock, and a cool, sweet breeze issued from the deep insides of the cave, along with soft whispers and faint singing. The beasts were all eager to go right in, but as they poked their heads in, they couldn't see anything at all. It was oppressively dark.
Dismayed, the beasts made their way back to the cottage, having marked the path on the map for later excursions.
That night, Ophelia couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned, thinking of the cave. They had all wanted to go in so badly, but it was too dark. She would have loved to see what was inside the deep cave. She hopped out of the fireplace where she slept and crept to the Beast Peddler's room, where the candle was still burning. The Beast Peddler was just finishing up sewing a little white beast, her curved needle flashing in the dying light. She looked up at Ophelia as she tiptoed into the room, and asked her what was keeping her up into the witching hours.
Ophelia explained what had happened that day, told her about the cave and the whispers and singing and how they had wanted to explore so badly but couldn't. The Beast Peddler smiled and patted Ophelia on the head and told her to sleep, and she would take care of everything.
The next day, Ophelia was woken up by Lulu, armed with a great big light bulb on her head, asking if the gang was ready to head out.
That's all for now, off to go sew some more friends
love & voodoo,
the Beast Peddler
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Alfredo Foxhunter
Well hi there!
At least three new beasts showing up in the store this week, here's the only purple one:

Alfredo the Foxhunter used to hunt possums, because there were a huge number of them living around the enchanted cottage ( plus they were always trying to steal the Beast Peddler's apple preserves) . He would sneak up behind them, dressed as a possum, and then pounce! Then, when he had collected enough pelts, he would pull his little cart into town and sell them for thirty cents apiece. When the economy crashed though, the villagers would only part with their hard-earned pence for the more exotic furs. Alfredo was in a spot of bother! He set out to find the most beautiful, softest pelt imaginable. He searched far and wide, but he was never quite satisfied with regular Earth mammals.
One day, he stole one of Hagatha's magic tomes and read aloud from it, hidden in a closet underneath the stairs. He found himself transported to the moon! There, the craters of the moon were brimming with purple foxes! Alfredo was elated- he had finally found the perfect pelt! The foxes had wonderfully soft lavender fur- and their mohawks were spectacular. He was worried, though. The creatures had done nothing wrong- he didn't want to hunt the moonfoxes if they were just innocent little creatures. He reached into his pocket for his Blackberry, so he could call the Beast Peddler and ask for her advice. But when his furry hand went into his pocket-
Those good-for-nothing moonfoxes! Already Alfredo could hear them just over the next crater, making long-distance calls to Saturn. They had already gone too far. Alfredo's eyes narrowed. He knew what had to be done.
Also, here's Alfredo with his as-yet-unnamed friend, who, yes indeed, has a (working!) lightbulb coming out of her head:

Stay tuned for more friends, and thanks for visiting!
love & voodoo (& thieving moonfoxes),
the Beast Peddler
At least three new beasts showing up in the store this week, here's the only purple one:

Alfredo the Foxhunter used to hunt possums, because there were a huge number of them living around the enchanted cottage ( plus they were always trying to steal the Beast Peddler's apple preserves) . He would sneak up behind them, dressed as a possum, and then pounce! Then, when he had collected enough pelts, he would pull his little cart into town and sell them for thirty cents apiece. When the economy crashed though, the villagers would only part with their hard-earned pence for the more exotic furs. Alfredo was in a spot of bother! He set out to find the most beautiful, softest pelt imaginable. He searched far and wide, but he was never quite satisfied with regular Earth mammals.
One day, he stole one of Hagatha's magic tomes and read aloud from it, hidden in a closet underneath the stairs. He found himself transported to the moon! There, the craters of the moon were brimming with purple foxes! Alfredo was elated- he had finally found the perfect pelt! The foxes had wonderfully soft lavender fur- and their mohawks were spectacular. He was worried, though. The creatures had done nothing wrong- he didn't want to hunt the moonfoxes if they were just innocent little creatures. He reached into his pocket for his Blackberry, so he could call the Beast Peddler and ask for her advice. But when his furry hand went into his pocket-
Those good-for-nothing moonfoxes! Already Alfredo could hear them just over the next crater, making long-distance calls to Saturn. They had already gone too far. Alfredo's eyes narrowed. He knew what had to be done.
Also, here's Alfredo with his as-yet-unnamed friend, who, yes indeed, has a (working!) lightbulb coming out of her head:

Stay tuned for more friends, and thanks for visiting!
love & voodoo (& thieving moonfoxes),
the Beast Peddler
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