Oh hi!
The Beast Peddler here with a very adorable addition to the herd-
Mary J. Moonsmoke! She's small, spotted, and has a large cloud of mysterious fog escaping from her mouth! Awesome, right?
Now, usually when Hagatha brings the beasts to life, there is a bit of smoke involved. Candles, incense burning, Italian wedding soup cooking in the cauldron, the regular culprits. But the day that Mary was awakened, there was an awful lot of smoke. It curled out of Hagatha's eyes, out of her fingertips and out of her mouth and it filled up the little beast's body. But then it just kept streaming out! The beasts all coughed and used their furry forelimbs to cover their eyes as they scrambled out of the cottage. From in the yard, they watched as the smoke seeped out from underneath the door, out through the chimney, and out of all the cracks in the woodwork. Then, as soon as it came, it was gone. All the smoke in the cottage rushed back into Mary's body and she stood up, peering around. The strange smoke never poured out of Hagatha's mouth again, but now whenever Mary exhales, a little puff of smoke comes out instead of breath.
We're still gearing up for the Providence Art Festival over at the enchanted cottage. I'm sewing away, Hagatha is chanting and summoning into the early hours, and the Prince of Plants is coming up with the greatest ever names for the beasts.
Stay tuned for more beasties soon!
Beast Peddler
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