Happy New Year, folks! Hope your celebrations were fun! I love the beginning of the year. Here's to 365 more days to beat into submission!
Well, it's only 9 degrees out today, but we're looking ahead to Spring! I personally can't wait for it to be warmer out.
Do you know who else is gearing up for Spring?
Our resident owlhound!
It seems the owlhound breeding season has come a little early this year... because these things are multiplying like crazy!
All of Hagatha's magic makes the energy fluctuate around the cottage. Sometimes this can cause strange things to happen to the plant and beast life in the area.
I suppose that would explain the mystical faces of these owlpups...
Also! Given that it's almost the season of babies, I am pleased to announce that soon, our beasts will likely be breeding, and you will be able to adopt a baby beast! Or as we call them, beastlets. Additionally, if you have a beast that you think might be ready to bud a beastlet of its own, you will soon be able to have beastlet litters of your very own!
I am tremendously excited about this. The common courtesy of not typing entirely in capital letters can't express how excited I am.
Be well!
The BP