Lay your eyes on the newest member of the Beast Peddler family, Humphrey Pinback!

Humphrey's got some little psilocybes growin' out of his back there! Hagatha warned him not to eat those mushrooms, but he didn't listen very well... actually, he didn't listen at all...
When wise old Hagatha told Humphrey that he should stay away from the patch of magic mushrooms in the side yard, he should have listened! The very morning he was made, he sprang up and was prancing about the yard in the usual beast fashion. The other beasts were gathering dandelion greens, raspberries and acorns for a great salad. Humphrey, new to the beast family, wanted to find the best salad ingredient of all. He was sniffing around in the yard when he smelled a terrific smell! In the shade of an old oak tree he found a ring of tiny mushrooms. They smelled so absolutely fantastic that he just couldn't resist! He picked the biggest mushroom of all to bring back to the Beast Peddler.
But as he picked it, he felt the overwhelming urge to consume it. It only took three bites for Humphrey to eat the whole thing. Only a few seconds later, Humphrey swayed and fell to the ground in a dead faint.
Three days later, Humphrey woke up in the Beast Peddler's enchanted cottage to Hagatha's furrowed brow. She knew exactly what Humphrey had done.
In the yard, the ring of magic mushrooms was gone. But growing out of Humphrey's back were tiny pins- little baby mushrooms. They had found a new home.
Oh and before I forget, allow me to apologize for that last post- I had no idea Fogs knew the password to my laptop... but I suppose I should have suspected that would happen, due to the fact that she can vanish at will.
I was accepted into the PlushYou! show at Shmancy in LA! It's not until October, so I've got plenty of time to start the heartbreaking process of picking which three beasts go to the show!
So exciting, huh?
Anyways, Hagatha & I are going out to hunt for early shoots. So long!
xoxo, BP & Hagzz